Monday, June 04, 2001

Interested in getting your name off junkmail and telephone marketing lists? You can write to these organizations to have them remove your name. You must include your name, address, and telephone number.

Mail Preference Service
c/o Direct Marketing Assn.
PO Box 9008
Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008

Telephone Preference Service
c/o Direct Marketing Assn.
PO Box 9014
Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014

There is now also a similar list for email, but I doubt it'll do much to stop your spam. However, any business that registers with the Direct Marketing Association won't send you unsolicited email if you're on this list. Even one less piece of spam is a good thing in my book. Go to and fill out their form.

Speaking of spam, Hormel has decided it's okay with the fact junk email has the same name as their delicious meat product. However, they'd like people to refer to theirs as SPAM, which they have trademarked. They make an official statement on their website, where they compare the case to other trademarks being used with alternate meanings, such as "TEFLON, used to describe President Reagan." I have no idea what that means. President Reagan: Food Doesn't Stick to Him.

They also reference the Monty Python SPAM (tm) skit. (Link from PCJM)


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