Friday five, friday five...
1. What do you have your browser start page set to? At work, the main intranet page; at home, my MyYahoo! page.
2. What are your favorite news sites? I rarely read the news, but if I am interested in a story, I will go to CNN first.
3. Favorite search engine? Google Google Google.
4. When did you first get online? Not sure what "on-line" means...if it means dialing in with a modem, that was in 1984, when I was 12 and we had a 300 baud modem on our Commodore 64. That's when the whole POPnet thing started. When was I first on the Internet..? I guess my freshman year of college, 1990. I remember when I saw my first home page, I think it was 1994. Someone in the cog sci lab was showing the website for a museum, I think it might have been the Met, and saying "Isn't this so cool! I can download paintings.." and it took five minutes to download a picture. I thought, who would ever use this thing?
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Going to Walnut Creek to hang out with my aunt.
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