For Chris's birthday three years ago, I asked him what his favorite kind of cake was. He said lemon sponge.
I decided to be clever and get an authentic British recipe. Bad move. I didn't understand half the ingredients, and I think part of the instructions was missing. Here's the result, a totally flat cake:

Last year, I decided I'd be better off with a basic American recipe, right out of the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. That didn't go any better, I'm sorry to say. I don't think I separated the eggs correctly, and let's not even discuss using tartar sauce instead of cream of tartar. (Come on, which one looks creamier to you?) [No photographic evidence.]
This year, I was extra careful. I separated the eggs using an egg separator, even throwing one out. I had cream of tartar. I did every step just like it suggested.
Voila. My first successful sponge cake!

(Yes, those are soccer ball candles.)
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