Thursday, January 26, 2006

I've been tagged! My first time. Aww. Thanks, Jason.


Four jobs I've had:
  1. Mortgage document processor
  2. Writing multiplexer test software
  3. Writing human-machine simulation software for helicopters at NASA Ames
  4. Designer of telephone speech applications
Four movies I can watch over and over:
  1. Star Wars
  2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  3. Back to the Future
  4. Peggy Sue Got Married
Four places I've lived:
  1. Walnut Creek, CA
  2. La Jolla, CA
  3. Bloomington, IN
  4. Belmont, CA
Four TV shows I love:
  1. Arrested Development
  2. The Office (both versions)
  3. Lost
  4. The Amazing Race
Four places I've vacationed:
  1. New Zealand
  2. Romania
  3. Maui
  4. Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
Four of my favorite dishes:
  1. Malai kofta
  2. Kraft Mac & Cheese
  3. Vegetable mu shu
  4. Uh.. candy? And.. candy?
Four sites I visit daily:
  1. SFGate
  2. Freakgirl
  3. The Vine
  4. Bloglines
Four places I would rather be right now:
  1. In bed reading a book
  2. Parasailing in New Zealand
  3. Bowling a strike
  4. Dancing


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