Five years

On the drive up, we happened to be crossing the Golden Gate Bridge when the Blue Angels show started (part of Fleet Week). We snagged a parking spot on the north side and had a great view.
We stayed at the Valley Ford Hotel, a little bit inland from Bodega Bay. The room was nice, the rate was good, but it's not very conducive to sleeping. The rooms are above the bar and the walls between the rooms are paper thin. Ah well. We did have a nice dinner at the hotel's restaurant, Rocker Oysterfeller's.
Saturday we stopped in Bodega, famous for being used in the Alfred Hitchcock film The Birds. We were walking around when we saw our friends Eric and Chai-Shune! They had been driving by on their way up the coast and saw Chris's car, then saw us, and they pulled over and chased us down. What a coincidence.
We had a nice picnic lunch at Goat Rock, a lovely beach on the Sonoma Coast. The seagulls tried very hard to get some of our lunch, and I just want to take this moment to remind people to STOP FEEDING THE SEAGULLS! It is bad for them! Thank you.
After lunch we went for a nice walk at Armstrong Redwoods park, and had dinner in Sebastopol.
Sunday we had breakfast in Bodega Bay and got to watch seals playing in the water and pelicans diving for fish. We headed down the coast and stopped at Stinson Beach for a bit before heading up to the top of Mt. Tamalpais where we had a fantastic view--and saw more of the Blue Angels.
All in all a very nice weekend.
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