Foster Farms is a poultry company in the Western United States, and for a while they've been running television ads with a pair of bedraggled chickens whose mission in life is to become Foster Farms chickens. Although the ads are sometimes funny, they creep me out.

First off, the whole animal-who-wants-you-to-eat-them thing. Just like that cow in Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Anyway, it's creepy.
Second: the ad always focuses on how these chickens eat junk food, never exercise, and lead generally slothful lives. They're always trying to scheme their way into becoming Foster Farms chickens, where, presumably, they'll get to be eaten. They often interact with humans, who accuse them of not being Foster Farms chickens, and How Dare They!
Okay...I don't know exactly how to put this into words, but isn't it odd we're going off on a couple of chickens for being fat and lazy, so their meat can be lean, so we fat and lazy humans can eat them? It's deep, man.
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