Thursday, June 14, 2001

The top-selling Amazon books for people who live in Mountain View, California include books on local trails, a Java book, a book on employee stock options, and Transpersonal Knowing: Exploring the Horizon of Consciousness. And don't forget that book on how to buy a house! So I live in a town of Java-programming, trail-hiking, employee stock option-purchasing home buyers. Ummm.. well, I do own two copies of the number 2 book, Penninsula Trails.

If you live in Romania, you're boning up on Marketing Management and cracking the GMAT. In Iceland, Donna Kooler's 555 Christmas Cross-Stitch Designs is popular; I suppose they need something to do during those long winter months. Are you wondering what those folks at PG&E (our utilities company) are reading during the power crisis? Well, right after Trading Natural Gas: Cash Futures Options and Swaps are all the Harry Potter books. Mm hmm.

If you'd like to find out more about who's reading what from your town, company, or school, just check out Amazon's page on Purchase Circles.


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