Friday five:
1. Have you ever had braces? Any other teeth trauma? Oh yes, I had braces for two years in junior high/high school, and now I'm supposed to wear retainers at night. Which I manage to do sometimes. I've always had teeth troubles...I had a lot of teeth removed when I was a child, plus I briefly wore a retainer. I used to think going to the dentist meant having a tooth pulled.
2. Ever broken any bones? Not a one.
3. Ever had stitches? Nope.
4. What are the stories behind some of your [physical] scars? Chicken pox scar on my forehead (I had chicken pox at age 20); scars where I had three birthmarks/moles removed because the dcotors thought they might become cancerous (big toe, next to my belly button, and a long scar on my right calf). I also still have a small scar on my right index finger that's black from a time I cut myself changing my oil.
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Ya know, I don't even know yet. And that's fine.
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