Tuesday, March 23, 2004

This is the coolest! Someone has create a chatbot (via AIM) that allows you to play a lot of the old Infocom text-based adventure games, like Zork, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Planetfall. To play, you need an AIM-based client (like AOL Messenger). Send a message to InfocomBot or InfocomBot2. It's been very popular which means it may not always respond.

I loved those games. It was one reason I got so excited about natural language processing. And of course, the combination of that with Hitchhiker's Guide was the best.

I've been reading The Salmon of Doubt recently, which is a collection of Douglas Adams's works that was put together after his death, mostly from files pulled from his Mac. It's not a great work of literary genuis, but for fans, it's great.


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