Monday, July 26, 2004

This weekend I went horseback riding for the first time. Chris had done some riding back in England, but that was many years ago. We just went to one of those places where the horses go at a slow walk down the trail and turn around again; they don't even need a rider telling them where to go.

My horse was named Lipps. She (he?) trotted a few times, which was very fun, but mostly she was the last horse in the pack. Chris's horse, Desiree, was more competitive and preferred to be at the front. We went down a steep path to the beach and went along there for a while, which was the best part.

On the way back our guide suddenly rode to the front and leapt off his horse. A horse had fallen down on the path. I'm not sure what happened, but they managed to get the horse back on its feet.

Afterwards, a guy tried to sell us some digital photos that he'd taken on our ride out (kind of like those pictures you get when you're on a roller coaster). We said sure, we'd take a CD. Well, he tried and tried but couldn't figure out how to burn one. So we said, fine, we'll take a couple of printouts. Another 20 minutes later, and again, no go. Has this guy ever sold a single picture? I wanted desperately to leap over to his side of the table and see if I could figure it out, but I refrained. We asked him a few questions, like "What's the resolution of the pictures on the CD?" and "How many megapixels does your camera have?" but he gave us blank stares. Now, these aren't questions I except everyone to know the answer to, but his job is selling us photos!

No luck there.


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