Cooking Time
Now that I've got more time on my hands, I'm trying to do a little more cooking. Cooking is not really an interest of mine, but we do tend to eat at home at least 5 nights a week, so we're always on the lookout for new recipes.
This week I've tried three new things: nepali radish salad from a book called, appropriately enough, salads; mini-wellingtons from Vegan Lunch Box; and almond and broccoli stir-fry from The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook.
The verdicts: I chose the radish salad because we've been getting daikon in our produce box, and I needed to figure out what to do with it. I had a delicious daikon salad at a Japanese restaurant recently. This recipe wasn't what I was looking for. I probably overcooked the daikon (the cookbook is not quite instructive enough for a basic cook like me). I don't think we'll make it again. I'm still on the lookout for a good daikon salad recipe (maybe with rice vinegar).
The mini-wellingtons use puff pastry (hard to go wrong with that) and the inside is a mixture of brown rice, oat bran, mushrooms, walnuts, garbanzo beans, and spices. They turned out pretty well. They were certainly good enough to have again, although they take a little while to make.
The almond-broccoli stir-fry turned out well enough that we'd have that one again too.
2 out of 3 successes: not bad!
Cathy, here's a simple and yummy diakon recipe. Shred the diakon...drizzle with olive oil, squeeze the juice of a whole lemon and salt to taste. Stir to combine. It's very fresh tasting. :) Amy
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