Thursday, April 01, 2004

Something big has changed in my life. Something I never thought would happen. Something that makes each and every day different.

I've started carrying a purse.

Now, I've owned a purse of some sort or another for much of my life, but I have never been a big fan of them. Sure, they are useful to put things in, but what do you do with them? Let's say you go to a party--you have to stand around holding your purse, looking like a dork. What if you get up from the table at a restaurant? Do you bring you purse with you? Leave it hanging on your chair?

Where do you put your purse when you're at the movies? On the sticky floor? On your lap, which is annoying?

Anyway, on impulse I bought a new purse at PayLess a few months ago, and started actually bringing it with me when I went out. I even started bringing it to work. It's pretty bizarre. I feel like I've made some kind of important leap into the world of the Adult Female.

We'll see how long it lasts.


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