Monday, March 12, 2007

Slide Scanning

I've been helping my parents with their quest to organize their photo slides. The slides are from the 1950s to the 1970s and there are hundreds. The goal is to pick just the ones worth saving and scan those into the computer.

It's been fun seeing the slides of Mom and Dad when they were first married, and reliving our trips to Disneyland and summers at the beach with our cousins. Also, there is definitive proof I was at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, while I have always claimed never to have been.

We haven't quite decided the best method for scanning the slides. We could get a slide scanner, but it's going to be enough work just sorting them--adding the scanning process will take forever. On the other hand, I know it's quite expensive to have someone else do it. We're looking for high-res scans of the images--no fancy DVD slideshow or anything.

If anyone has any recommendations that worked well for converting your slides, let me know.


At 1:02 PM , Blogger Steve Bennett said...

Hi Cathy -

Paying a service to do the work scanning your slides doesn't need to be tremendously expensive, especially when you compare it with the value of the time you would spend doing the work yourself (in addition to the cost of buying a scanner, software and related supplies).

Please feel free to call. I would be happy to discuss the tradeoffs between doing the work yourself vs. paying a service to do the scanning work.


Pixmonix slide scanning service and negative scanning service
(toll-free) 877-547-9534

At 1:09 PM , Blogger Rebecca said...

Oh my gosh, how did that guy find your post?!?


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