Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Stupid things I have done recently that I choose to blame on sleep deprivation:
  • Stuffed the water bill into a drawer and forgot all about it
  • Went to the grocery store but forgot my shopping list
  • Went back to the store to get what I forgot, and bought sour cream instead of cottage cheese
  • Forgot to pay the credit card bill, then argued with the customer service rep that of COURSE I had paid it, it must have been a bank error. Uh.. no.
  • Set fire to parchment paper on the stove
  • Drove down the block with the emergency brake on
  • Sent someone a birthday card an entire month early
I'm sure there's more, but I am too sleep-deprived to remember.


At 1:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago I went to the grocery store with Heidi. Getting her into her carseat afterwards was such an ordeal that day. Once I fastened the last buckle, all I thought about was making a quick getaway. So I did - leaving the groceries the the parking lot...with my wallet in the bag.

At 8:12 PM , Blogger Cathy said...

Oh man! I hope it was all there when you went back.

That reminds me of another stupid thing I did: I had Jack in the stroller with the blanket covering him (which covered the straps), and when I put the seat back in the car, I didn't buckle him in. Ugh.

At 9:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woohoo, I'm famous! That was my birthday card that you sent a month early :) To be fair, that was within a few weeks of Jack's birth, so you were understandably confused.

By the way, I did the carseat buckle thing too -- fortunately we only drove a few blocks to the ATM and that's where I realized it.

This could be a fun game, you know. The "I've done stupider things than you b/c of sleep deprivation" game!

At 10:03 PM , Blogger Bianca said...

Oh hey I can play this game!

A couple of weeks ago, after making breakfast, I put the cannister of oatmeal in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard.

I did a big grocery shopping and got the cold stuff inside, and then left the rest in the trunk of my car for three days. I found myself thinking "I could have sworn I got more toilet paper?" How stupid I felt when I opened the trunk with a duplicate batch of groceries to find the original batch still sitting there. Nothing perishable, whew.

Worst of all, on Friday I drove up to Berkeley to meet a handyman at the house to fix some stuff before the new tenant moves in, and I was nearly in Oakland before I realized that I had left the keys to the house in Menlo Park. Oops!


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