Thursday, January 18, 2001

That's my doppleganger, who I named Sweetie. Doesn't she look just like me? At Land's End, you can create a model who supposedly looks like you, and then dress him/her up in various outfits. They also give style advice for your body type. Here's a sample of what they had to say to me: "Of course, a padded push-up bra will also do the trick." Uhmm.. thanks.

I really hate the local news. As many of you are aware, we're having power problems here in California and are subject to rolling blackouts. Now, I admit, rolling blackouts can cause problems: people can get stuck in elevators, traffic lights go out, etc. But really, for most of us, how inconvenient is it for the power to go out for an hour?

Of course, the local news tries to make it sound like the world is coming to an end. They interviewed an Apple employee, clearly just back from a jog around the Icon Garden, who said "yeah, we can't get back into the building because our keycards won't work." Quick, sell your stock!

Next up, they reported that a city in the East Bay "had no fast food for an hour!" Cue to a guy sitting in his car: "Yeah....well... it was lunch time. And I was hungry. And, uh...I couldn't get a burger." Children were crying in the streets, I tell ya.

They even interrupted Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? with an Emergency News Broadcoast. "Oh no!" I thought. "The President's been shot! A meteor is going to slam straight into the Transamerica Building! Parmesan Cous Cous has been linked to cancer!" But no. Just an informationless update on the power crisis. Grrr.

Are you a fan of the Japanese cooking show, Iron Chef? Here's a short film called Lego Chef, which is a masterful recreation using, you guessed it, Legos.

Here's a site where rock songs have had their lyrics converted to Christian lyrics. The Red Hot Chili Peppers's Californication becomes "God's Creation". Tubthumping? Biblethumping (My God got killed! But He rose up again!). And who could forget Motley Crue? Smokin' In the Boys' Room--Prayin' in the Classroom.

Monday, January 15, 2001

Going to toss out all your old geek t-shirts? Send them to're amassing an interesting collection, such as this Netscape 1.1 shirt.