Thursday, May 06, 2004

Last week I went to Vanouver on a business trip. On the flight home, after about 25 minutes in the air, the captain came on and said there was some kind of issue with an air pressure gauge and we couldn't reach cruising altitude. So we had to turn around and go back to Vancouver.

They fixed the problem and we took off again. During the flight, I went to the back of the plane to use the bathroom and was waiting my turn, when I noticed a red blinking light next to the back door. It said "air pressure". A flight attendant saw me looking at it and went over to the door and starting pulling on it. I was about to make a joke but then I thought, no, really, I'd just rather not know.

Suffice it to say I made it home safe and sound.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I made a cup of tea.

You might find this surprising considering I'm married to a tea-drinking Brit [not all Brits drink tea, believe it or not] and grew up with a tea-drinking mom, but I just never got around to it.

I rarely drink tea myself, and Chris has his own fancy tea-maker (Mrs. Tea) which uses leaves and such, which I have never bothered to learn how to use.

But yesterday my officemate asked me if I'd mind getting her a cup (we always ask the other one if they want water or anything when we're taking a trip down to the kitchen) and she had to walk me through the process of getting the tea bag, opening it up, and adding the hot water.

Maybe next year I'll learn how to make a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Here's a link for you...

People in New York playing live Pac Man.

Someone dresses up as Pac Man and four people dress up as ghosts, and they run around a grid of New York streets. Everyone is in contact with a "control room" via cell phone which keeps track of how many dots Pac Man has eaten, etc.