Thursday, June 28, 2001

Those wacky Belgians are going to be giving schoolchildren beer instead of Coke. "Beer is for the whole family," [beer club] chairman, Rony Langenaeken, said. "And this scheme will be for children between the ages of three and 15." (Link from metafilter)

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Cool... Google has got a beta image search engine. (Link from robot wisdom)

Okay, this seems so bad it's probably a hoax, but it's still funny. This guy's looking for that special someone, and he'll treat you right: "The picture above is of me when I first came to America. As you can see, I am very wealthy because this shirt is 100% real tiger fur. This is one of my cheap shirts, but it still cost me $950. Money isn't an issue for me, so I will spoil and pamper you." (Link from freakgirl)

Don't speed when you're in a rental car from Acme. This guy had $450 charged to his account for speeding (going over 79 MPH) three times. They used a special monitoring system to check the car's speed and location. Ugh.. Big Brother, here we come. (Link from metafilter)