Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Our next-door neighbors have a weather station, and have hooked it up to a website. So I can now see what the temperature, humidity, wind chill, wind direction, and wind speed are at our house, without even going outside.

Right now it's 73 degrees, with a 5 MPH westerly wind.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I've got to say, I'm sick of this recall business. Who thinks it's a good idea to waste 40+ million dollars on this? I'm no fan of Gray Davis, but come on, has he really done such a worse job than many other previous governors? Enough to justify this waste of time and money?

The idea of Arnie as governor is amusing, but does he really know how to run a state? I can imagine his inaguaration speech: "People of California: I need your boots, your clothes, and your motorcyle."

The other day I got a letter from my bank. I opened it up and read: "Dear Cathy M. Pearl and Cathy Pearl:".

I am glad they are appealing to both me without a middle name, and me with a middle name. Because the one without a middle name is a lot more likely to toss it out as junk mail.

Monday, August 11, 2003

Yesterday Chris and I went to the San Mateo County Fair. In addition to the usual livestock barn (we were offered the chance to buy a choice goat, but Chris said no), the petting zoo (I was attacked by a llama, a deer, a sheep and several small goats--luckily the wallaby was locked up), funnel cake, clowns, hot tubs, and quilts, we saw something new. A knife-sharpening contest.

We just had to check it out. Imagine 10 people at several long tables, each sharpening a tiny knife for twenty minutes, while no commentary is given. One guy finished up in the first few minutes and sat back. Either he thought he had it in the bag, or had mistakenly though it was the My Favorite Cookie contest. Another contestant whipped out an eyepiece (the kind you examine diamonds and such with) and carefully studied his knife at regular intervals.

After 20 minutes, a judge came by, and picked up each contestant's knife, and sliced a piece of paper. Then the carrots came out. And finally.. the tomatoes! Again, no commentary whatsoever. The winner was declared, and ribbons handed out. It was real buy-a-ticket-for-the-whole-seat, but-you'll-only-need-the-edge excitement, I tell ya.