Movies movies movies! We've seen a lot of them lately.
In the theater...
Borat: Hilarious. "When I bought my wife..."
Casino Royale: I'm not a fan of James Bond movies. Too much misogyny and ridiculous gadgets. And save the "But what about Sean Connery...!" Nope, don't like him either. That said, for a Bond movie, Casino Royale wasn't bad. Chris liked it too--he felt it really tried to get back to the original more serious Bond, which he prefers.
Stranger Than Fiction: Not quite all I hoped for, but satisfyingly entertaining.
Happy Feet: a solid Like. Hard to go wrong with dancing penguins and Robin Williams. But...why on Earth did they feel the need to give the female penguins curves and cleavage?! Come ON. Also suffered from the usual problem of very few female characters other than
mothers/love interest. And it made me sad about Steve Irwin's death all over again. (He voices one of the elephant seals.)
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill: a little slow (Chris fell asleep...) but interesting. Who knew there were so many parrots in San Francisco? With quite an unexpected ending.
The Lake House: I wanted to like this movie. I love time travel romances. But they didn't even try to follow BASIC time-travel-story rules. Enh.
Syriana: A little difficult to follow. Mostly it just made me depressed that there are people in the world (including in America) who feel that war and death and fighting are an acceptable part of life, and whose end goal is NOT to end these things. How can you even hope to make the world a better place progress with people like that?