Friday, April 25, 2008

He's Full of Surprises

Today Chris did something that, in the nine years I've known him, he has never done.

He baked cookies!

Chocolate chip. They are tasty.

It's nice to know after 5 years of marriage your spouse can still surprise you...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

13 days

Jack is 13 days old today. Our lives have been pared down to eating, feeding, and sleeping (sometimes).

So far he's a pretty mellow baby. He doesn't spend a lot of timing crying--mostly just when we change his diaper or take his clothes on and off.

WARNING: breastfeeding talk ahead.

The biggest issue is still breastfeeding.. I'm not making enough milk yet and he isn't a totally efficient eater. He spends a lot of time eating but doesn't get that much in. So, I am continuing to pump as well, and Chris (or my mom or Cindy) gives him a bottle of pumped milk, and sometimes a little formula. It means each feeding takes a while.

We've been seeing a lactation consultant and she is wonderful. We've been making some progress. I hope soon I'll be able to stop the pumping and bottle feeding.

The good news is, he's gaining weight! He's healthy and happy right now which is the most important thing.

I've been enjoying not being pregnant any more.. taking scalding hot showers, eating a lot of feta cheese, and being able to lie down comfortably.

We have a ton more pictures but I just haven't had time to sort through them and upload them. Soon I hope.