Friday, May 30, 2008

New Camera

We recently got a new camera: a Canon Rebel XSi. I was a little wary of getting an SLR because I didn't want to have to learn to use all the fancy settings for aperture and lighting and blah de blah just to take a picture, but I was up and running with this camera within 5 minutes. I just put it on automatic mode and it already takes better pictures than our old one.

I love it. It's gotten me excited about taking photos again, like when I got my first digital camera 10 years ago. We've been taking tons of pictures. I think one of the reasons it's so fun to use is the lack of shutter lag--it really does make a difference.

It's definitely a lot more to lug around, but we've really been enjoying it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Baby Blogosaurus

I have finally started my baby blog: Baby Blogosaurus. I'll be writing about things related to Jack, my labor & delivery, breastfeeding, baby products, etc. Not that I'll never mention Jack on my regular blog, but I know not everyone's interested in reading about that stuff.

I am trying out Word Press to see if I like the features more than Blogger. Unfortunately you can't map it to a domain like you can with Blogger so I have to use their URL for now (