Thursday, September 06, 2001

Well, I'm off to England and Scotland for a couple of weeks. Although no haggis will be eaten by me, I do plan to enjoy such culinary treats as the "toastie". God Save the Queen and all that. Pip pip!

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

Did you know Wil Wheaton had his own website/blog? Don't know who that is? You know! Wesley! From Star Trek! And the main kid from Stand By Me. Anyway, it's actually pretty cool. He doesn't seem very fond of Corey Feldman though.

Umm. It's a rabbit with a pancake on its head. What more do you want from me?

All right, all right. Two pancakes.

Sunday, September 02, 2001

I finally saw Planet of the Apes. I've seen reviews giving it five stars, and reviews saying it was as bad as Battleship Earth. I really enjoyed the movie, but it definitely was full of flaws. I put up a page with some of the problems I had with it. Be warned: it's full of spoilers.