Friday, May 02, 2003

This weekend we went to a wedding in LA, right next door to Steve Guttenberg's house, that famous B-movie actor who starred in such films as Cocoon: The Return, 3 Men and a Little Lady, and Police Acamedy 4: Citizens on Patrol.

I didn't catch sight of him, but it did get that song from the Simpsons stuck in my head:

Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
We do! We do!

We also went to Disneyland, which was Chris's first time. The Jungle Cruise is getting campier and campier every time I go. We went on it twice, it was like a party boat comedy club on there.

The highlight of the day was when Chris was picked from the audience for the Sword in the Stone ceremony by Merlin. Chris failed to pull out the sword, even though he fulfills the requirement of being English-born. Some little girl pulled it out! Can you believe that? My five-year-old neice is amazed.