Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes..
Long time no update, eh? Mostly I update over at Baby Blogosaurus. I'm thinking of combining them back into one blog again, since the poll I took last September seemed to indicate most everyone reads both anyway.
Anyway, I wanted to post the latest about my knee. Recap: did no running while pregnant. A couple of months after having Jack, started up running again, after 2 weeks, knee pain. Stopped. A year later (June 2009) I tried again, and again, after 2 weeks, much knee pain. Saw the doctor, got an MRI: right knee stress fracture at the top of the tibia.
No running for a few months, started physical therapy. MRI in October showed: no more stress fracture! Yay! So I have started oh-so-slowly with a running program again. I am just starting my second week, so we'll know soon whether my problem has truly been resolved.