Am I Registered to Vote? No!
Well, I was registered to vote.
But in my never-ending futile quest to stop receiving junk mail, I wrote a letter to the county clerk to ask to be removed from all mailing lists. (By law, political candidates may use your name and address from the voting registers to send you mail, unless you specify otherwise.)
I was curious to see if my letter had gotten there, so today I called up the county clerk, who transferred me to the elections office. And the woman there said, not only did they get my letter--they removed me from the list of registered voters. I didn't even know such a thing could be done.
Anyway, it so happens today is an election day. Nothing major, just things like city council members, but I still wanted to vote. Not being on their list any more, I had to vote provisionally, which means I voted, but my vote will not be counted until they verify whether or not I should be registered, which can take up to 30 days.
Grrrrr. They better have this mess straightened out before the primaries is all I can say...