Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A music quiz for you.

The Rules:
Step 1: Put your iPod/MP3 player or iTunes on random.
Step 2: Post the first line(s) from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post it on your blog and let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Update the list with the song title when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Make your guesses by leaving a comment or sending me email at cpearl (at) gmail (dot) com. You have to identify both title and artist, and NO GOOGLING. Or Yahoo-ing, for those of you who swear alleigance to such things. (If you don't want me to mention your first name when I post your correct answer, let me know.)

  1. "You’re in an all-girl band.. your futon’s second hand."
  1. "Right about now…you’re about to be possessed by the sounds of MC..."
  1. "You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I met you."
    The Human League,
    Don't You Want Me (Kate)
  1. "I put a spell on you. Because you’re mine."
  1. "I won’t let you down.. I will not give you up. Gotta have some faith in the sound."
  1. "I lost my heart...under the bridge..to that little girl. So much to me."
  1. "I want a girl with a mind like a diamond. I want a girl who knows what’s best."
    Cake, Short Skirt/Long Jacket
  1. "Well bless my soul what’s wrong with me?"
Elvis, All Shook Up (Alison)
  1. "Looking for my place on assembly lines, fake prizes rising out of the bomb holes."
  1. "It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it."
  1. "Sleigh bells ring.. are you listening?"
  1. "Yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby's mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas, baby mamas, mamas."
  1. "Life is a fiasco.. you come and you go. You go when you come periodically."
  1. "We move like cagey tigers, we couldn’t get closer than this."
  1. "These words are my own Threw some chords together, the combination D E F."
  1. "Hey DJ! Tonight.. stars.. tonight I’m seeing stars."
  1. "I’m strong I’m sure, I’m in control, a lady with a plan."
  1. "Hey. Don’t write yourself off yet. It’s only in your head you feel left out or looked down on."
  1. "I like to watch you sleep at night. To hear you breathe, by my side."
  1. "This is no great illusion. When I’m with you I’m looking for a ghost."

Sunday, July 09, 2006

This article by Catherine Price does a good job of articulating my feelings about the need to put "women's" in front of various things (like NBA and PGA), and why it's so frustrating to shop for athletic gear and find it's all in pink. I recall years ago shopping for some indoor soccer shoes (at a dedicated soccer store). I picked out several cool-looking shoes from the shelf to try on, only to be told by the salesperson "Oh, those are men's shoes," and pointed to the tiny "women's shoes" selection. The men's shoes weren't labeled as such; they were just labeled "shoes". An excerpt:
The categories on Nike's Web site are, in this order: football, basketball, running, soccer and women's. Click on the ladies' link and you'll have the option to take a challenging quiz to determine your dance style.