Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I'm so proud to be living in the San Francisco Bay Area, where civil disobedience is occuring re: gay marriage in San Francisco. You go Gavin!

I just can't understand the objections to this one. Marriage is a civil contract with the government. It should be available to any two consenting adults.

Now, if you have a religious objection, that is your perogative, and it's the right of any given church not to bless that marriage. But the marriage is still legal and contains all the same rights and privledges of an opposite-sex marriage.

What was this country founded on? Freedom of religion. Which includes freedom from religion. Separation of church and state. Hello! We seem to be drifting farther and farther away from this. The government does not have the right to deny two consenting adults the basic freedom of marriage. Your church certainly does, but that is a completely separate issue.

Monday, February 23, 2004

I've downloaded a few songs off I'm very happy with it except for the fact that is uses the stupid DRM technology, which my MP3 player does not support. Grrr.

Anyway, I went to download a song last week (Picture -- the duet by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow) and on you had to buy the whole album. No thanks.

So I tried WalMart. I found the song, and it was only $.88! I downloaded it, but guess what. It was the wrong song. Their links are all messed up. I wrote them an email and they refunded my money, but they haven't fixed the link yet. That song has been in my head for days and it's driving me crazy.