A mildly amusing article about foot-and-mouth disease and Microsoft Outlook.
Links Dinosaurs Love
Friday, March 30, 2001
Remember that book, The Rules: Time Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right? It's by two married women, all about how to attract and trap a man for marriage. Rules include: never have telephone conversations longer than 10 minutes (got to remain mysterious); never accept a date for Saturday after Wednesday (even if you really have nothing better to do, say you're busy); don't be too funny; and, get plastic surgery for any of those little "flaws" you've got. Well, one of the authors, Ellen Fein, is getting a divorce after 16 years of marriage. She sites "abandonment". Her newest book, The Rules of Marriage: Time-Tested Secrets for Making Your Marriage Work, is about to be released. Advanced copies, with blurbs about their successful marriages on the cover, are already out there.
That is all.
Wednesday, March 28, 2001
Are you interested in having Flock of Seagulls play at your birthday party? It's only $10,000. How about Tommy Tutone, the guy who sang that 8-6-7-5-3-0-9 song? Starship? I heard on the radio this morning that a company called Blast from the Past will line any of these stars up for your next big event.