Thursday, August 09, 2001

How about this: songs performed by on-line dictionaries. That's right, it's Dictionaraoke! Using audio clips from Merriam-Webster and Microsoft Encarta, people reconstruct such hits as Britny Spears's "Oops, I did it again" and Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody". It's pretty interesting. (Link from kottke)

Here are some amusing short films for the Cubicle Olympics (warning: audio):
Cubicle Hurdles
Hallway Races
(From Horea)

Tuesday, August 07, 2001

Okay, computer programmers get a bad rap, but I guess we deserve it.(Link from Rich)

The Human Clock. (Link from Rich)

A photographer named Ashkan Sahihi decided to take eleven people who didn't do drugs, get them high, and take their picture. It's a strange little photo exhibit. (Link from bad hair days)

Here's an interesting interactive Periodic Table. (Link from metafilter)

I thought this was an interesting and sad article on Einstein's romantic life. It's an interview with Dennis Overbye, who wrote a book called Einstein In Love. He talks about Einstein's first wife, Mileva, and how she was also a physics student at the Polytechnic in Zurich. She abandoned her career in physics when she got pregnant and went back home to Serbia, where she gave up the child, because it would have ruined Einstein's career to have an illegitimate kid. They married, and she was a housewife, waiting for him to come home every night so they could discuss relativity. After about 10 years he started having an affair (with his second-wife-to-be, Elsa), and they divorced.

Monday, August 06, 2001

Oh dearie me! I accidently ate some meat this weekend! I was at SFO with my brother-in-law, waiting for our flight, and I ordered some vegetarian dim sum. I ate the potstickers first, because they are my favorite thing, and one of the only meat things I miss. "Wow," I said to Stuart. "These are the best vegetarian potstickers ever! I've never found good vegetarian potstickers!" "Those are pork," he said. "No they're not! They're clever soy product potstickers!"

Then I closely examined the other things on the plate. Undeniably meat. I stared at the remains sadly.

Stuart raised his chopsticks: "You gonna eat that?"