I've had my little Rex Pro for about 7 years now. It's the size of a thick credit card, and I use it for two functions: address book and alarm clock. It's perfect for my needs and it fits in my wallet. Technically you can edit the address book on the device itself, but it's nearly impossible. The best thing to do is keep the addresses on your computer and synch it with the Rex. Unfortunately the product was discontinued, and when I upgraded to XP I discovered there were no XP drivers.
I looked around the internets from time to time to see if a driver was out, and finally stumbled on a
few websites that had suggestions. It looked like the main problems were with the USB version, and I have the serial docking port. I ran into issues when trying to install the software but found a work around (renaming the file Wininit.ini).
IT WORKED! Now I can update the address book again! Most excellent.