Since I was 8 or 9, I've kept a running narration of my life in my head. Things like "I took a shower, then I went downstairs and had some cereal." Or "I thought a lot about what [so and so] said and decided it shouldn't bother me, but it still does." Kind of like I'm writing a book. It's not on all the time.
Until now I'd always assumed everyone did this. But the other day I asked Chris about it and he said he didn't. So now I'm suddenly wondering--do other people do this? Maybe this explains why I have a more vivid memory of things people have said/done in the past than he seems to; kind of like how when you take notes the act of writing a thought solidifies it in your head. I can remember the names of all of my elementary school teachers, and many of my classmates. Chris has trouble remembering he was even AT school. (Though the '78 team roster for Nottingham Forest--no problem!)
So, is it just me?