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Links Dinosaurs Love
Friday, April 13, 2001
Well, I've decided to quit my day job and redo my website to copy this woman's idea: Nina Goddess. You'll need Flash. (Link from John.)
If you're curious about search engines, here's a page by Jakob Nielsen about which ones are being used the most. Google has 46% of the market. I use Google nearly exclusively, except when I need a more category-based search, in which case I use Yahoo! Which, nowadays uses Google for its non-category searches anyway. (Link from RobotWisdom.)
A woman sued McDonald's after "an extremely hot pickle fell from one of the small burgers" she was eating and gave her a second-degree burn on her chin. Here's the line that gets me: "Martin sought $110,000 while her husband, Darrin, sought $15,000 for losing the services and consortium of his wife. " Excuse me? What kind of "services" did he lose from his wife, exactly?

Here's a very funny Dutch TV commercial. Don't listen to this with the speakers on at work if you don't want to offend anyone.
Thursday, April 12, 2001
Those crazy Brits are trying to get "JedI' recognized as an official religion by getting at least 10,000 people to declare they're followers of the Jedi faith in the upcoming census. I mean, I'm a big fan of Star Wars and all, but... (Link from RobotWisdom)
Tuesday, April 10, 2001
Last week I was in Seattle for a conference (Computer Human Interaction). Bill Gates gave the opening talk, and he came off nicer than I'd expected. He'd also gotten a haircut! Still, he can't quite escape his geeky image...his voice cracks a bit, and he's a wedding-ring fiddler. Imagine six huge screens at the front of the room, three of them showing an enormous Bill Gates with his hands in front of him, one constantly twisting his ring. He brought a few Microsoft people up to talk about their latest goings-on, and the first was a Scottish guy named Bill Hill. He was wearing a kilt. I don't think Bill G. understood a word he said.
Doctors remove a worm from woman's brain. Ugh! Uuuugh!