Friday, June 22, 2007

SF Giants

Last month my friend Lisa took me to a San Francisco Giants game. We had great seats and beautiful weather.

They were playing the New York Mets. Lisa made me wear a hat, though she let me choose between the Giants hat the Mets hat. (She's a Mets fan.)

Click on the picture to see more photos...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Grandma's House

In April, my sister Cindy and I went to visit our grandmother, who is 93. She lives in Grandview, Washington, a farming town in the eastern part of the state.

My dad had been out to see her a few weeks before us, and the only car available at the rental agency was a big SUV. I had requested a compact car for our visit. Well, when we got in and tried to drive it, it wouldn't get out of park. So they had to give us another car--a Nissan Frontier truck. Grandma's getting a lot of practice at getting in and out of big cars.

As always we visited the farm that my grandparents owned for 30 years. The people who live there now are like family and a visit to Grandview wouldn't be the same without seeing them. By a happy coincidence, Jennifer was in town from St. Louis with her new baby, so we got to see them as well.

Click on the photo to take you to the Flickr site. By the way, Flickr recently improved their slideshow mode--if you click on the (i) in the middle of the picture, you can (finally!!) see the photo captions.

Asps... very dangerous. You go first.

This weekend we had a visitor in our garage.. a baby rattlesnake! It hissed and rattled a bit at us. Chris nudged it outside with a very long pole.

I've seen rattlesnakes several times when running on the nearby cross country course, but this is the first I've seen one on our property.

Monday, June 18, 2007

John Travolta

This morning I read in the paper that John Travolta flies his private jet from his home in Florida to Los Angeles five nights a week. Five nights a week?? I hope that's a misprint. Imagine how much fuel that uses. Ugh.