Friday, May 18, 2001

I feel like I should update my Blog, but I haven't found much in the way of interesting links today. Maybe I should tell you a story about myself. Except I can't really think of anything interesting. Therefore, I will describe what lives on top of my monitor at work, which I'm sure isn't boring at all:
  • Wind-up lobster. I don't know, somehow on my business trips I always manage to buy some kind of ocean-related creature.
  • Wind-up crab. This was from a trip to Maryland. Not on my monitor is my swordfish puppet, acquired in Colorado.
  • "Stress ball" with company logo.
  • Wind-up penguin. That one was a gift! Honest!
  • Wind-up chattering teeth. Another gift from my officemate. I really don't know how all this started..
  • Wind-up glow-in-the-dark angel. ??
  • Rubber green scarab beetle, a gift from friends Alex and Amy, which goes with
  • Rubber pyramind
Also on my monitor are strange post-it notes from co-workers. They are:
  • Sprouts!
  • Bisons, bears, & birds--oh my!
Don't ask me.

This Fatboy Slim video cracks me up. Starring a dancing Christopher Walken. (Click on "Weapon of Choice".) (Link from GirlHacker)

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

More Flash, except this stuff is good. If you like robots. (Link from Mr. Pants)

Do you think people with AOL accounts should be allowed to use Flash? Think again. (Link from Freakgirl)

Monday, May 14, 2001

My friend Steve sent me this a while ago. You funny!

I found this on-line exhibit of Russian photos fascinating. They are color photos from the early 1900s, apparently taken by a one-of-a-kind camera that was meant to take color film. The negatives were converted to photos via a computer process called 'Digichromatography'. (Link from RobotWisdom)

I'm very saddened by the news of Douglas Adams's death. I'll never forget when I first read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...I was about 11 years old, on a Greyhound bus traveling from my dad's parent's in Eastern Washington, to my mom's parent's in Seattle. I had borrowed the book from my sister, and the cover was ripped off because it had been given away from the local library. I had never read anything like it before, never even imagined a book like it. Even if I didn't understand the lines, "It's unpleasantly like being drunk." "What's so unpleasant about being drunk?" "You ask a glass of water."